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A Snakes Dream...


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A snake that bites itself
In deep and real dream
I am. And dying, asking for the help,
While mouth my closed and white canine
Are all in blood of never ending biting
I cannot stop. I cannot stop this fighting
With shadow of myself...

A crystal feelings I could saw
I found them ice that melting
In hands of mine. Or was it God?
I thought I winning, but it was draw
And "sad" and "love" I drawing
God, was it all your plot?

I cannot stop.
I cannot stop this fighting
With shadow of myself...

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A bird that sings within,

In deep and real dream

I am. And living, looking for to help,

While mouth is closed and starry light

Are all in blood of never ending shining

I cannot stop. I cannot stop that lighting

Of star that is myself…

All crystal feelings I can see

I keep them rain that irrigate

The heart of mine. Or what is God?

I didn’t know who AM I, and it was crawl

To “sad” and “love” the life is drawing us

God, it’s all your plot.

I cannot stop.

I cannot stop that lighting

Of star that is myself…

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I cannot stop.

I cannot stop that lighting

Of star that is myself…

:) Мне кажется, это ближе к Истине :luck: :luck: :luck:

Тимур, не надо грустить! :)

Помни, что настоящий Ты - это Свет!

С Любовью,

Татьяна Х.

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никогда не перестаю удивляться комментариям на мои стихи. такое впечатление, что при виде слов "sad", "snake", "shadow" - люди сразу отказываются от того, чтобы глубже рассмотреть идею. может ли передать стихотворение сохама ту чувственность, которую испытывает змея(эго), укусившая сама себя и отравившая ядом "знания"?

я вот думаю, может писать комментарии к собственным стихам? что же собственно я имел ввиду? ^_^

или вообще перестать публиковать их тут. не хочется тревожить умы...


а то получается, что я вред приношу своими стихами. и создаю образ себя как какого-то романтического страдателя. когда я простой парень, милостью Бога, получивший возможность работать админом на этом форуме. и страдания, хоть и есть, на них я никого внимание обращать не хотел... да и не писал про них никогда.

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и страдания, хоть и есть, на них я никого внимание обращать не хотел... да и не писал про них никогда.

:):rolleyes::) :luck:

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которую испытывает змея(эго), укусившая сама себя и отравившая ядом "знания"?

The Sunday Talk Given by Anil Kumar “Beware of Barriers”, February 29th, 2004.

Knowledge is a barrier in spirituality.

What is the first barrier in spirituality? The first barrier in spirituality is knowledge. This may be a shock to many people. It may not be acceptable to many others, and it may sound meaningless to the rest. But it is the fact of facts. Knowledge is the first barrier.

Let us beware of this barrier of knowledge. Why? Knowledge is a thing that you gather or collect from books written by somebody else. It comes from their past. It cannot be your experience. It cannot be your own understanding. It cannot be your own creativity. It is only second-hand information. I am not overstating this. It is a barrier.

That is the reason why many of these scholars are not necessarily eminent devotees. Many of them are very good in their scholarship. They are very good in their interpretation. But as devotees, they may not be that good because their knowledge is a barrier.

Why? A man of knowledge feels that he knows everything. Once I start feeling that I know, I stop growing. There is no hope of growth. Knowledge gives the false feeling of having known that which is not known. After all, what he knows are some facts and figures; or a few quotations and verses which he could understand to repeat and quote, and at the conclusion be applauded. That shows a scholar or a well-read man!

Life is not for reading. For spirituality, reading is a barrier. Knowledge is certainly not the path towards realisation.

Many times Baba has said, “The table with many bottles, tablets, capsules, or syringes on it, proclaims that the master of the house has been a successful patient for a long period.”

He has many capsules and tablets. Likewise, if my office table is full of books, it only means I am a patient who immediately needs a cure through worldly experiences. Experience is the cure for the disease of ignorance, not knowledge. What do these people of knowledge do? What do they have? At their fingertips, they have insignificant and nonsensical details, which are irrelevant and silly.

Baba gave one example: One fellow went to a mango garden. There he saw mango fruits, which were quite ripe. This fellow called the gardener and asked him, “What is the plinth area of this mango garden?”

The gardener answered him, and the man replied, “Oh, I see.”

Then he asked, ““How many trees are here?”

Again the gardener answered and the man replied, “Oho!

Then he asked, “How much fruit does each tree bear?” “How long does it take for the fruit to ripen?” “How much money do you make? The rebate, the commission, the wholesale, the large scale?”

He continued discussing the method of manuring, the process of cultivation, the number of trees and the number of fruits, but he did not eat the fruit. Whereas, a young boy came along, jumped up, plucked the fruit and ate it. Now who is the wise man?

The one who eats the mango fruit is more practical. He has had more of an experience than the fellow collecting data about the mango garden. Yet, that is what the scholar does; that is what a man of letters does. It is a foolish verbal literary gimmick, which does not quench the appetite at all.

Therefore, the first barrier to spirituality is knowledge. This fact that knowledge is a barrier comes from Bhagavan’s discourses, and from the teachers of all times. It is not my own concoction. People who differ with me on this should pardon me, because these are not my ideas. If you are capable of pardoning Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, then that is what you should do. It is what they all have said.

Another point: Due to knowledge taken from a book, most people say, “I know.”

Suppose someone says, “Sir, this is what Swami said; so I know.”

We should tell him, “You do not know that you do not know.”

When can you say, “I know”? You can say, “I know” only when you have experienced the truth of it, when you have experienced the validity of it, when you have had the experience in your daily life. You cannot simply say, “I know” because you have read a book on it.

Baba has said, “Repeatedly, I speak about Love, Devotion, Prema and Bhakti. Because I always speak about Love, some people say, ‘Swami, don’t You get bored speaking about Love? It must be boring, really, the many millions of times You speak of it.’”

Swami said, “I will repeat it again and again until you start loving people.”

You need to be taught about Love until you can Love. Similarly we should never say, “I know,” until we experience what we say we know.

The fact that we say, “I know” is only verbal, textual, and academic, with no relevance in daily life. This is the point, my friends. If you say, “I know this; I know that; I know you,” who are you? Are you the known? No! Are you the process for knowing? No! Who are you? The knower! Am I clear? You are the knower! I know! Who is this ‘I‘, the one who knows? Therefore, if you say, “I know,” it means you do not know because you are the knower. The one who knows is God.

So all the knowledge, all the books that we gather, all that we say, all that we share in conversation, that is the real knower, and that knower is God Himself. Therefore, when the knower tries to know everything, what is it that the knower does not know? If we say knowledge is known by the knower, then he is more than the known. You understand!

I am more than the pen I hold. I do not think that my pen is greater than I am, unless I am from a lunatic asylum. Right! I am more than the pen. Similarly, the knower is more than the known. So, all that is known is knowledge. The one who knows, the knower, is more than the knowledge. Therefore, this knowledge is inferior to the knower. Knowledge will not help you.

The second thing: Suppose I say, “I have seen this; I have seen you.” Who are you? Are you the seen? Yes. You are the seen; I am seeing you. The mike is the seen; I am seeing it. The pen is the seen; I am seeing it.

Then who am I? I am the seer. If we accept that the seer is greater than the seen, then all that is seen is inferior, when compared to the seer, and all that is known is inferior when compared to the knower.

Therefore my friends, knowledge does not speak of the knower. Knowledge does not speak of the seer. Knowledge refers only to the known and the seen. That’s all! The knower cannot be known. The seer cannot be seen. I am not playing with words, my friends. I am not yet capable of literary gimmicks.

You may be thinking that it is impossible, that I cannot see. Well, see your back if you can. Can you see your back? Try! If you turn again and again, the head will remain like that for sometime. It won’t come back to normal. (Laughter) Can you see your ear? The ear and eye are near, but they do not see each other. Similarly, you are the seer, whom you cannot see. You are the knower, whom you cannot know. So, that which is not known is the knower. That which cannot be seen is the seer. Knowledge cannot help you.

So the first barrier, the first obstacle, the first bottleneck in the field of spiritual comprehension is knowledge. Those that boast of knowledge deserve sympathy and pity, because knowledge is a poor instrument with which to know and experience God.

Baba goes one step further. Baba is Ultimate Reality. All teachers and seers stop at one level, but Baba goes one step beyond. He is the latest God, you know? He will not stop you at the previous century. He will take you to the present century.

Unless you empty your head, you cannot experience God. Empty your head! The head is full of nonsense. The head is full of matter only to spew out and repeat. Therefore, empty your head. If the head has information, this will prejudice you; it will make you biased and partial. You cannot be open to experience. Therefore, empty your head. That is what Bhagavan said. When your head is empty, the flower of enlightenment can bloom. When the manifestation of Divinity starts blossoming, the flower of the Self starts opening.

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мда :) ... очень вдохновляющий текст... особенно когда английского не знаешь.. :D ... :wub:

получается, что я вред приношу своими стихами

Тим, ну какой вред?... по-моему, наоборот... видишь, народ вдохновляется... :wub: ... soham тебе такой стих написала.. :wub:

может писать комментарии к собственным стихам? что же собственно я имел ввиду? 

да... интересно было бы иногда тебя послушать.. :) ...

.. но, конечно... далеко не все стихи "хотят" комментироваться..

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Ну да, и что стихи - это художественное преувеличение, и что разные состояния бытро сменяют друг друга, и вообще - это известно. На Твои стихи, значится, вообще никакой ответ не нужен? :coffee:

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мда  ... очень вдохновляющий текст... особенно когда английского не знаешь..

спасибо Света!

а то я думал что только один я такой :)

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На Твои стихи, значится, вообще никакой ответ не нужен?

а вам те все конфликта со мной подавай? замучали(ударение на вторую а) беднохо админта...

и на письмо не ответила. вот и пойми - получила-не-получила...

Тим, ну какой вред?... по-моему, наоборот... видишь, народ вдохновляется...  ... soham тебе такой стих написала.. 

спасибо! :blink:

теперь я точно не выложу ни одного стиха. я не выкладывал свои стихи для того - чтобы кто-то подставив другие слова вместо моих - выложил стих "за свой" и при этом все скажут: тут же слово "лайт-вайт" - значит "правильно"! а вот если слово "дарк" присутствует, даже если смысла и не понимаю, все равно скажу - что "не правильно! не по Саи Бабистски так сказать"...

вообщем я разочарован. у меня иногда создается впечатление, что люди охвачены розовой эйфорией, но мне все это представляется подмешивание в не очищенные чувства розовой краски(потому, что "лично я" - не знаю безболезненной садханы).

soham , спасибо за текст - почитал-почитал. текст я понял, а вот, что вы хотели этим сказать - нет.


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теперь я точно не выложу ни одного стиха.

Тимур, по-моемому Ты слишком серьезно к себе относишься...

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не выкладывал свои стихи для того - чтобы

Тим :wub: ... ну ты же сам писал где-то здесь, что стихи они всегда от Бога... и тем более раз ты их уже выложил, то они уже принадлежат не тебе... :wub: ...

... и вот тогда скажи мне пожалуйста, кто тот "я", который больше не выложит здесь ни одного стиха :shuffle: ... o:) ...

Тим ... ведь "его", вот этого товарища - :fool: - не существует... или я не права?...

мне этот твой стих про змею понравился... хотя я его и читала в переводе переводчика из инета ... :good:

спасибо, что ты этот стих записал и выложил здесь...

цветочек :flowers: несуществующему "тебе" ... :wub:

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